April 11, 2013

We Interrupt this Study Session for a Brief Post

Now that the initial excitement of a new blog has worn off, I have no idea what I am actually going to post here. I could talk about my life, but that is boring. I could talk about a topic, but I don't know enough about anything. I have no gimmick. But, if anyone was wondering what I'm doing on this lovely, well semi-lovely night, I am studying for a Calc Test. The third test I will take this week. I am so ready for the weekend, and I am losing motivation by the millisecond (yes millisecond, they are cooler than seconds).

Anyway, the weekend is coming and I am going home to watch a friend make an award winning cheesecake. I've called home four times about these cheesecake plans and my mom probably thinks were all crazy, well mostly she probably thinks Madison the cheesecake connoisseur is crazy. But, these cheesecakes will be delicious, and since I have been building up the suspense of these amazing desserts, there will be a follow up post.

I suppose I should go back to studying. I've logged so many iTunes/8tracks hours this week. Without music studying would be a billion times worse. I made a mixtape for my study time this week. I think you should know that my dream job is to be like Liz Mozocco on the Summit radio station and pick indie music to play on an indie station.

When this Calc test is over tomorrow, I'm going to play my guitar and read a book. I never get to do those things.




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