I officially finished the paperwork for a major change this morning. I am no longer an engineer. I am now a Biology major, and I don't know what I'm going to do with it. Tonight I took a trip to the ER, as the driver, not the patient, and I just found the place really fascinating. I know there was bullshit everywhere and it probably isn't that fascinating, but listening to people talk and the things that go on got me thinking again. Maybe I could do it. I'd have to step up my game big time, and right now, but maybe I could do it. I am out of BME, I have a clean slate and I can pick a new career. I don't know if people can see me in medicine or not, or if I would flake out or just not get in at all, but I think I want to do something related. I think this could be a good moment. I think I can be a step closer to knowing what I want to do. I think my parents will be a little disappointed. My mom is against optometry because of price, but really, grad school is going to be expensive. I need a little more research, maybe shadow Dan's dad, the optometrist. People are always volunteering at hospitals. Sometimes you need to know what you don't like to know what you do.
I was thinking about what I would have done after high school if I had no limitations and just followed my dreams. I for sure wouldn't be at Akron. I may have gone to Wooster, or I would have applied out of state. I really wanted to go to school in D.C. For a major, it wouldn't have ever been engineering. I really like graphic design, I like anything with music, I've always wanted to try my hand at film making. But, for real majors, probably some sort of thing with Biology or Political Science. Maybe something with geography. There are so many interesting majors in college, but all the good ones have no jobs. I maybe wouldn't have even done anything too weird, I just want to learn things and read things. I hate that school is just a bunch of crap society thinks is important. No one gets a say in anything. The institution just lays everything out and you pay $8000 a year for a piece of paper at the end saying you survived, but you never learn anything. You just spend hours in a class with a teacher that is just as bored and uninterested as you are. Occasionally you will get a good teacher and maybe they can change your outlook on the whole thing, but I haven't had one of those yet. I'm still a cynic.
I don't know how people decide which dreams are worth following and which ones are just going to end badly. Some people are just better at following their heart and not their head. I'm a war of head vs heart, but contrary to the usual outcome, the head part usually wins
On a lighter note, I took another great picture of my friend Shirali. She has the best face timing.
I also tried henna tonight before calling it quits and going to bed. My friend Heather drew it. We are all Patel's, because everyone Shirali knows is named Patel.