April 27, 2013

Sometimes You Have to Know What You Don't Want to Know What You Do

I officially finished the paperwork for a major change this morning. I am no longer an engineer. I am now a Biology major, and I don't know what I'm going to do with it. Tonight I took a trip to the ER, as the driver, not the patient, and I just found the place really fascinating. I know there was bullshit everywhere and it probably isn't that fascinating, but listening to people talk and the things that go on got me thinking again. Maybe I could do it. I'd have to step up my game big time, and right now, but maybe I could do it. I am out of BME, I have a clean slate and I can pick a new career. I don't know if people can see me in medicine or not, or if I would flake out or just not get in at all, but I think I want to do something related. I think this could be a good moment. I think I can be a step closer to knowing what I want to do. I think my parents will be a little disappointed. My mom is against optometry because of price, but really, grad school is going to be expensive. I need a little more research, maybe shadow Dan's dad, the optometrist. People are always volunteering at hospitals. Sometimes you need to know what you don't like to know what you do. 

I was thinking about what I would have done after high school if I had no limitations and just followed my dreams. I for sure wouldn't be at Akron. I may have gone to Wooster, or I would have applied out of state. I really wanted to go to school in D.C. For a major, it wouldn't have ever been engineering. I really like graphic design, I like anything with music, I've always wanted to try my hand at film making. But, for real majors, probably some sort of thing with Biology or Political Science. Maybe something with geography. There are so many interesting majors in college, but all the good ones have no jobs. I maybe wouldn't have even done anything too weird, I just want to learn things and read things. I hate that school is just a bunch of crap society thinks is important. No one gets a say in anything. The institution just lays everything out and you pay $8000 a year for a piece of paper at the end saying you survived, but you never learn anything. You just spend hours in a class with a teacher that is just as bored and uninterested as you are. Occasionally you will get a good teacher and maybe they can change your outlook on the whole thing, but I haven't had one of those yet. I'm still a cynic. 

I don't know how people decide which dreams are worth following and which ones are just going to end badly. Some people are just better at following their heart and not their head. I'm a war of head vs heart, but contrary to the usual outcome, the head part usually wins

On a lighter note, I took another great picture of my friend Shirali. She has the best face timing.

I also tried henna tonight before calling it quits and going to bed. My friend Heather drew it. We are all Patel's, because everyone Shirali knows is named Patel.


April 18, 2013

Finding a Roommate is Like Finding a Prom Date

One thing I've thought about with this blog the fact that I have to censor myself. Usually I wouldn't but because I made this with the urging of my friends, I can't use this to vent too much, or I look crazy. So, everything I type here has to be something I would say to the faces of the people I am talking about and a bit ambiguous. Not that I am a mean spirited person who wants to gripe about people all the time, but I just have to watch what I say. I don't want to be like the blogs in high school that got people suspended. Now this is sounding bad. Maybe I should just delete that whole intro..

I am looking for a roommate for the upcoming school year. I was going to stay with my roommate this year but there was a little bit of a falling out within our group of friends and things got awkward. I think things got awkward, and people are a little bit worried about her. I really don't know what happened, but what's done is done.

 I've noticed that finding a new roommate this late in the year is like finding a prom date. You're desperately seeking someone who isn't completely weird and would actually want to room with you. You only have so much time and everyone else is already taken. Additionally there is the worry that when you ask the other person will turn you down. That basically just summed up how high school prom went, but maybe that's only something I had a problem with. I just don't want to live with someone random next year. I've seriously considered just commuting next year, but I would probably not enjoy that either.

Also, I've decided to change my major. I've been telling everyone it's going to be official and I have to see an adviser tomorrow. I think I'm making the right choice. I've just been feeling a little uneasy about it. I feel that way about every decision though. Just deciding whether to buy something at the store or ordering at a restaurant gives me that feeling.

I also would like to include this amazing photo of my friend Shirali. Whenever I feel bad I look at it and no one can feel bad after seeing this picture.


April 14, 2013

No One Can Be Sad While Eating Bagels

I was originally going to be a good person and go to mass tonight, but it was interrupted by the need for a very important meeting.  We're going to Panera for this important discussion because no one can be sad eating bagels. I suppose that is true.

I promised I would follow up on the award winning cheesecake topic. It was indeed award winning. Brownie and cheesecake, can't go wrong. I'm glad Madison beat all the little old ladies and their lemon meringue pies.

I also enjoyed a group nap while listening to Enya today. She is a very relaxing artist, well except the second song on the playlist, but it was an exception, not a rule. I do love a good nap, and I know it was good because I woke up with the nap taste in my mouth. 


April 11, 2013

We Interrupt this Study Session for a Brief Post

Now that the initial excitement of a new blog has worn off, I have no idea what I am actually going to post here. I could talk about my life, but that is boring. I could talk about a topic, but I don't know enough about anything. I have no gimmick. But, if anyone was wondering what I'm doing on this lovely, well semi-lovely night, I am studying for a Calc Test. The third test I will take this week. I am so ready for the weekend, and I am losing motivation by the millisecond (yes millisecond, they are cooler than seconds).

Anyway, the weekend is coming and I am going home to watch a friend make an award winning cheesecake. I've called home four times about these cheesecake plans and my mom probably thinks were all crazy, well mostly she probably thinks Madison the cheesecake connoisseur is crazy. But, these cheesecakes will be delicious, and since I have been building up the suspense of these amazing desserts, there will be a follow up post.

I suppose I should go back to studying. I've logged so many iTunes/8tracks hours this week. Without music studying would be a billion times worse. I made a mixtape for my study time this week. I think you should know that my dream job is to be like Liz Mozocco on the Summit radio station and pick indie music to play on an indie station.

When this Calc test is over tomorrow, I'm going to play my guitar and read a book. I never get to do those things.



April 6, 2013

Dead Flowers for the Torn Apart, and Other Ramblings

Through the advisement of my peers I am going to begin blogging. I will begin this blog with a post I made on a friend's blog 10 minutes ago.

Greetings the few readers of Madison Hexter’s blog!

Seeing as I know nothing about medicine besides what I have learned on the internet/primetime television, and I also know nothing about Jesus because I haven’t been to church in a while (sorry Jesus). This post will deviate from the normal theme of Madison’s blog.

I am currently avoiding doing my Chem connect because I am a great honors student, but seriously I am a mediocre honors student. There are so many smart people here, and so many people that can make you feel like you’ve done nothing worth noting. However, I suppose I’d rather have it that way over spending time with people who have the intelligence of a toad.

Now I shall summarize our exciting adventures here in the AK, it will be a short paragraph. Oh wait, we can’t do anything, we have homework.

Next weekend, we will be going to watch Madison bake an award winning cheesecake. It better taste award winning, if it doesn’t we shall disown her, well probably not.

Dear Readers, help me pick my major. I need to decide between biomedical engineering and straight biology. I know I have to go to grad school if I major in biology, but we can cross that path when I get there.

Being at school, I have made a lot of friends, in my spare time, or not so spare time, I draw them with dry erase markers.

Also, I would like to showcase this photo because its one of the best ones I’ve ever taken.           

I am going to show this Christian song for you, called Dead Flowers by Demon Hunter, because everything I listen to would not be Madison approved.

Signing off!
