April 2, 2014

Universal Feelings

Sometimes I meet people and they seem intimidating. For whatever reason they give off a vibe of I am better than you or I'm not interested in interacting with you, or they're just plain weird. Some people are just like that, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. The people that seem to be the most intimidating, seem to be the people who know how to look like they have it all together. They're passionate, and driven and confident, all incredibly important traits, but those desirable traits are also ridiculously scary to an outsider. This feeling of intimidation seems to follow the same pattern every time. I get to know the person, and with their quirks and flaws, the intimidation goes away. I can't be intimidated by someone I've seen freak out in front of me, or do something hilariously embarrassing. It ruins the illusion that they are perfect people. So those qualities I see as an outside observer, that appearance they possess of having it all together, it seems to disappear when they become a human being.

Lately I've been thinking about endings. We just finished Spring Break and the semester is in its later weeks. I finally got closure to a television show I've been watching in a social lounge most of my college career, but I won't spoil it for anyone that wants to see it. Here is the thing about endings, they are inevitable. Everything ends. So at the end of the school year I'm going to leave the dorm I've lived in for the past two years and go home. The people that I see daily will be people I see weekly and then maybe monthly and then maybe for an awkward ten minute talk while in passing outside of the library. I've seen it happen with the friends I kept in high school. But, this time it seems different. So back to the television show, just as I was thinking about this, a main character quote appeared, "And that's how it goes kids. The friends, neighbors, drinking buddies and partners in crime you love so much when you're young, as the years go by, you just lose touch. You will be shocked, kids, when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it."

If there is lesson I've heard about feelings from all the feel-y people I've met the last two years, it's we all seem to have the same ones. We're all afraid of the same things. The future is as daunting to the people that appear to have it all together as it is to the one's that have more visible flaws. We all worry about what people think about us, and if we're doing the right thing with our lives. Fear, anxiety, loneliness, they're universal. But here is the thing, we're all going to be okay, and those intimidating people are scared just as shitless, the people that appear to be important now will come and go, ends will always happen, and life will continue go on.

There's my two cents for the night. And for all who were wondering there is a UAPatelFamily Twitter and the password isn't uberpatel. April (belated) Fools, Mom! Your children love you enough to prank you.

Over and out,



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