December 12, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Finals Week (And Christmas Too)

It's that time of the year again, folks. All nighters, endless amounts of caffeine, becoming a fixture in the library, its finals week! Well, the end of finals week. I'm taking a break from writing a paper to write this blog post. Kind of funny. I had all semester to write the paper, but hey, due tomorrow, do tomorrow. I took my last final today, which I'm fairly sure I got a 50% on. Not even kidding. The amount of guessing I did on that test was mind blowing, sad, but there is nothing I can do about it now.

With finals, comes grades. If there is something panic inducing, it's grades. I am personally the nerd that has an excel sheet to figure out mine, and I can probably guess I'm not alone on this matter. I'm probably not going to be super happy at the end of this semester, but what can you do.

But, to everyone who is freaking out about their GPA, your grades do not define you. You cannot win at everything, and if you get a B, it will not change you as a person, and it will not change your dreams. If you get an F, well then, my condolences, but A-'s, B's, you get no sympathy from me. And to those experiencing these imperfections for the first time, welcome to the human race.

The annual Derpy Christmas Party is on Friday. I've been looking forward to it all week. It's the little things. Friends, pizza, and ice skating, what else could you want? With the planning of this for second time, we found out there was apparently a lot of drama surrounding last years party. I blame it on the fact that we were freshman, we were socially awkward, we were wrapped up in ourselves, and we were on a budget. So to everyone who wasn't included last year, another apology. Although if you slept through it, it's not our fault. This year, however, we are being more inclusive, so no derpy Giant Eagle food this year. The amount of cheese and crackers needed was too much. Oh and if you are reading this and you haven't paid for pizza, pay up.

So funny story, I may have gotten my friend Heather a copy of Royal Pains for Christmas thinking I was a super good gift giver, and then before I even opened my gift from her, I realized we got each other the same thing.

This is how Shirali opens gifts

And this is how I study or shoot nerf darts at my roommate (Don't worry, she wasn't really studying either)
I leave for home on Saturday with another semester under my belt, what feels like another wasted semester. I just keep telling myself I have to know what I don't like to know what I do, and everyone is afraid of being wrong. So I need some more time to figure out my life, I'm 19 years old. How can I be expected to know my entire future when I still have to tell my parents when I am going out. It's just all a little confusing. But, I'm going to take this break to catch up on TV shows, hang out with friends and family, and enjoy Christmas. I have a book calling my name that isn't about biology or chemistry, and a bed that could use some sleeping.

Happy holiday break,



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