August 9, 2013

The Final Days of Summer

Well, I haven't posted in a while, mostly for lack of material worth posting. I will be heading back to school in T-minus 4 days and I am ready to go. Summer is one of those things that you wait nine months for, and then enjoy it for about 3 weeks and you're bored again. The was especially true this year because being at home meant being away from the friends I had lived with all year. Coming home meant trying to reconnect with the people and the place I so desperately wanted to leave. Don't get my wrong, I had my good times in high school as well as my bad, but somehow the bad seems to be what I remember. Anyway, for the most part, I have spent the last 3 months working, watching netflix, and hanging around doing nothing. I started the summer being a little more social, but as the summer stretched on, the number of people I hung out with dwindled as well as my motivation to try to stay in touch with them. I think when we finished high school, we were tired of one another, and have spent the summer tolerating each other in small doses. I have a few people I've stayed relatively close with and enjoy a bi-weekly trip to Starbucks and Wal-mart. These are the only places open past nine in our lovely town.

I'm packing for school and my room is a disaster area. It always seems like so much stuff. With leaving for school comes the prospect of living arrangements for the following year. I feel like that is a budding fight. My mom is already being weird about it. Anyone want to share a room with me in a potential apartment in 2014? Weirdos need not apply.

A little business plug, or unplug. Don't try to sell your books to Books in Stock in Wooster, Ohio. They give you no money and then you need to drive 45 minutes there to get your books back

I've been toying with different career ideas all summer. My latest and, according to most people, best idea is Anesthesiologist  Assistant. For all I know I'll be on to something completely different next month but I think this could work out. I'm just freaked out because I would need to take the MCAT, and after my experience with the ACT anxiety in high school I don't feel too great about that prospect. But, I guess we all need to face our fears and next time I will know and hopefully will be better prepared to tackle the anxiety at test time. I am also not thrilled with the idea of retaking Chemistry II, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

We've also been planning a DC trip, which started out a bit of a secret but at this point is pretty much public knowledge. It was interesting getting people to come, and although our persuasion skills were great, the trip will be a small group of six staying and wandering around the city for a weekend on $200. Wish us luck!

Well, that was my summer. Hope yours all went well. And for those of you I will see at school soon, I can't wait!



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