June 15, 2013

Innate Curiousity

There are two types of innate curiosity in this world, there is the type that people look for, the type that invents things, and wants to discover a better, and then there is the nosy type. If one more person asks me where I'm from and if I speak Chinese I am going to smack them in face. I know sometimes they are just curious but the look on their faces after I say no I don't know Chinese and no I have nothing to share with you culturally pisses me the hell off. People who are Chinese give you that oh so you're not really chinese with their I'm better than you attitudes and the people that aren't just look disappointed. So maybe we can avoid all this and people can just mind their own damn business.

I had a mini realization today, but then I realized my realization is pointless, and now I'm just sort of sad. I've been playing with graphic design a little bit the last few days because a friend was interested in making a poster, and I get really into that sort of thing. But, if you have a weird, slightly artsy project you want done, even as a joke, I'm your girl. I'm actually pretty proud of this poster, but its a surprise for someone who may or may not be reading this, so it must remain hidden. But, if you have a weird, slightly artsy project you want done, even as a joke, I'm your girl. All through high school I wanted to be a graphic designer, however,  I sort of shoved it away because it was my least practical career musing. Why would anyone encourage me to be a graphic designer when I can do math, if you can do math and science all of your less lucrative loves are pushed aside. I wanted to take some graphic design classes in high school, but it got in the way of AP classes, and I did music so that took my "fun" period during the day. Anyhow, I looked at my college's website and basically I would have to start from scratch it I were to switch my major, and I wouldn't graduate on time, for a major that has really competitive employment and at best will make be 40k.

They say that if you pick a job that will pay well, you can use that money to pursue the dreams you neglected because of practicality. But the forget to mention that by the time you reach this point in your life you have other obligations. You will have the job you weren't sure you wanted and a family who will hopefully rank higher than your childhood dreams.

A quick Shirali pic update courtesy of Jahnavi

I went to a movie party last night. Stayed up til 3:30 am talking to a friend, and got my nails painted. It's the girliest I've been all month.


A late side note. Since I can't publish the poster, here's some wallpaper I made.


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